The Male Figure
Group exhibition
until 29.03.2014
To celebrate the arrival of our guest from far-away Toblsk in Sibira, Mr Sergey Sokov and the addition of his paintings to our already running exhibition ‚The Male Figure‘ we cordially invite you to a Sunday Matinee on 23.02. starting at 4 pm to 8 pm.
He presents oil paintings and pastels on paper, which are laced with a dash of erotic and thus fit in exceedingly well with our current exhibition.
The matinee offers a rare chance to get into conversation with an artist, who works on erotic, nude male portraits in Putins exotic empire. An interpreter will help with all kinds of language obstacles and some food and drink to overcome ones hunger.
Please do not miss out to get a general overview to Sergey Sokovs works, which can be found in our web shop.
We are looking forward to welcome you on Sunday, 23. February from 4 pm onwards at the Kunstbehandlung.