Archiv für den Tag: 17. Februar 2014

The Male Figure 5 – Group Exhibition


The Male Figure 5
Group Exhibition
13.02. – 29.03.2014

‚Variatio delectat!‘ – even the old romans got the loosely translated meaning of ‚There is nothing like change‘. It is exactly what we have chosen as our leitmotif in the 5th year of our sequence  ‚The Male Figure‘.

Sitting, standing, cowering, kneeling, lying, walking, running, jumping, swimming and even a few more – the positions available to illustrate a man’s body are mere endless. Painted on canvas, on paper, as photography or sculpture boosts the representational opportunities even more.  In variable genres created by a great number of artists, it all culminates in a richness of artistic involvement with the male body.

To unbolt this complex, many layered vision to a wider audience, the Kunstbehandlung is presenting ‚The Male Figure‚, although we keep the subject and view a bit more open than the dead-on translation. Even parts of male bodies are allowed…
Alongside our familiar artists we are proud to present works of artists we invited from England and Russia especially this year.