Octoberfest cancelled, the world without festivals, never mind a beer festival … well, we don’t cancel …. We show off! Big time. This years Robert C. Rore annual exhibition will take place exactly when we usually look forward to welcoming the world in Munich! Consequently the main subject of this show is Bavaria: Bavarian men, Bavarian landscapes and Bavarian sightseeing highlights.
Robert C Rores pictures are far from cliché and tawdry cheesy folk heritage but paintings finished down to the last detail, realistically and with great love and attention to every single aspect. Men painted by Robert C Rore could be out of Ludwig Ganghofers novels, daring, not adapted and yet still cut a fine figure. We care about your health as much as our own. Therefore we want you to enjoy the exhibition in a safe setup. This years opening will take place on 18th of September from 6 pm onwards at www.kunstbehandlung.com and on 19th of September at the gallery in Müllerstrasse 40 from 12 pm until 8 pm. Obviously with care and caution and subject to all hygiene rules.
By the way: The 2021er Robert C. Rore Kalender is exclusively dedicated to the topic of Bavarian men. We are looking forward to your visit online and in person.