Annual Exhibition of works by Robert C Rore
31.07.2014 – 4.10.2014
The Munich based artist Robert C. Rore approached the question of how ‘hautnah’, or by first hand, we experience closeness in times of smart phones and the world wide web – by pencilling and painting around this subject with unexpected results.
One might associate ‘hautnah’ with skin tight outfits, potentially even with ‘Closer’, the film by Mike Nichols, also the eponymous report series by the WDR (German broadcaster), or patently think about the daily pushing and shoving when caught in rush hour.
Remarkably many figures in Robert C Rores’ paintings don’t form crowds, but act individually busy on a smartphone – dressed or nude.
Thus results in a series of ‘Selfies’, which are commonly an electronic flicker on the screen, painted by Robert C Rore in oil on canvas. Possibly we are witnessing the birth of a new genre of portrait painting.
As usual our homepage will provide a first glance of the entire exhibition.
Also there you will find the catalogue to the exhibition and the illustrated book ‘Männerbilder – Portraits of Men’, which we can offer for € 15 now.
We cordially invite you to the opening of the exhibition on 31.07.2014 at 8 pm in the presence of the artist.
You can find all exhibits on show the very evening in our online shop.
We are looking forward to your visit.