Astrid Köhler: Retrospective
26.11. – 12.12.2015
The most unspectacular title for our upcoming exhibition ‘Retrospective’ doesn’t disclose its most spectacular content. All attempts to name Astrid Köhlers show with a defining title would not justify the wide and excellent variety of subjects on display. Therefore simply: Retrospective – or Werkschau.
That’s for sure: All paintings are technically perfect, all motives are distinct and mainly originated in 2015. A number of subjects depict some seemingly surreal rooms with spreading insects and birds. Several new editions to the series ‘aufgegabelt’ (‘pick up something) and ‘Streichholz’ (matchstick) are on show, one not even shying away from a last supper reenactment.
Just recently Sotheby’s New York auctioned an artwork by Cy Twomblys for more than $70 Millions. It might give reason to remember that Astrid Köhlers ‘Papierschiffchen’ are similar to works of that artist.
You are cordially invited to the opening of the exhibition on 26.11.2015 from 8 pm onwards. The artist will attend the opening also.
All exhibits are visible in our online shop the very same evening at 8 pm. Furthermore a small calendar is accompanying the exhibition.
We are looking forward to your visit.